Ralph W. Tyler Award

For Outstanding and Distinguished Research and Publication in the Field of Cooperative Education and Internships


Ralph W. Tyler was the Director of the Center for Advanced Studies in The Behavioral Sciences in Stanford, California. In 1958, he chaired a two-year national study of cooperative education, which was the first national study that identified the values resulting from student participation in cooperative education. The Cooperative Education and Internship Association gives the Ralph W. Tyler Award for outstanding and distinguished scholarly research and publication in the field of cooperative education, internships, and work-integrated learning (WIL). Outstanding and distinguished scholarly research represents empirical work that provides new knowledge, understanding, and/or enhancement of cooperative education, internships, and WIL at the post-secondary level. Awards can be given in one of two categories – published articles in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal or a book. Reviews, textbooks, edited books, and graduate thesis work will generally not be considered. The award does not carry any monetary value. 

Current Recipient:


The Routledge International Handbook of Work-Integrated Learning (3rd Ed)

Judene Pretti, Director, CEE Strategic Enablement Team, University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada)

Karsten Zegwaard, Director of Work-Integrated Learning Research, The University of Waikato (Hamilton, New Zealand)

Click here to view information on this CEIA Award Recipient

Click here to view a list of the past recipients

Nominations Deadline:

November 1


(click here for Selection Rubric)

  • Contributes to new knowledge and provides a deeper understanding or new theory of cooperative education, internships, and WIL
  • Extends existing knowledge and understanding of cooperative education, internships, and WIL
    • Build on original work
  • Relevant to practitioners with clearly stated implications for practice
  • Engaging and thought provoking – providing new insights
  • Professional and Scholarly
    • Clearly stated rationale
    • Clearly stated objectives
    • Well grounded in theory
    • Data-based research
    • Well referenced
    • Clear, precise, and error-free writing

Submission and Selection Process:

In addition to reviewing all research articles published in the Experience Magazine and the Asia Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education (APJCE), the CEIA Research Committee accepts submissions published in any peer-reviewed journal or a full-length book if the submission meets the award criteria as stated. The Committee will accept submissions directly from the researchers/authors of the submitted work.

  • All Submissions must include the following information:
    • Title of submission
    • Name(s) of researcher(s)/author(s)
    • A brief description of how the scholarly work meets the stated criteria
    • An electronic copy (pdf) of the submission or the url (uniform resource locator) where the submission can be retrieved free of charge
  • All submissions are reviewed for merit by the Chair of the CEIA Research Committee to determine if further review is warranted.
  • Meritorious submissions are distributed for review to members of the CEIA Research Committee.
  • The Committee validates each review and releases the final recommendation to the CEIA Board of Directors for approval.
  • Decisions by the Board are final and are not subject to appeal.


  • The award is given annually from submissions published in the previous year.
  • The Chair of the Committee accepts submissions on an on-going basis up to November 1st of the year from which published works are selected.
  • All submissions will be acknowledged. The review process occurs in November & December. The award is presented annually at the CEIA Conference.


Please complete a nomination via the link below, including a statement (formatted in Word), not to exceed two pages, single spaced, describing why the nominee meets the criteria for consideration of the Ralph W. Tyler Award. Include their resume or Vitae as well.

Supporting materials may be requested by the committee if necessary.

Click here to view a sample pdf of nomination form.


All submissions are held confidential. Reviewers are assigned in such a manner that conflicts of interest are avoided.